Sunday, June 20, 2010

Comma, Comedian;

Irregular reader, Eddie, writes....

Dear Lucy.

I read your blog from time to time and thoroughly enjoy little of it.
If I had one criticism though it would be your over-use of commas.
I never use commas at all and firmly believe that it makes the reader concentrate harder on what I am trying to say as they struggle to make sense of it.
Were you to correct this glaring error I think it would enhance everyones' appreciation of your blog and encourage me to visit more than once a month.



Well thanks for the tip, Eddie. I've often wondered why I get so few comments here, and had always assumed that people were too intimidated (scared) to say anything, lest they have venom spat at them.
Had I realised that they were simply slipping into a comma, I'd have sold this site to the Tories, for campaigning purposes, long ago.
Still, it's not too late, except maybe for that Sandy Sneaky-as-Hell fella, so I'll be contacting our local 'Father of blogging', Dr Bodmin Moores, to see how much he'll offer me for it.

With a bit of luck, it may cover my fees for a proper education!


Anonymous said...

Early start for you Lucy, what happened? Stay in last night?

Lucy Mail said...

On a Saturday? Good Lord, no!
I had to get up and go to the bathroom for a poo, a system that I've very nearly perfected, over the years.
Easy enough to start a new post on my way back to bed and then fill in the wordy bit later on.

Any more questions of a personal nature that you'd like answered?