Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mike Hunt Ends With Three Week Stretch!

Unfortunate, really, that I happened to spot the git while I was driving my car. Also unfortunate, I suppose, that he'd failed to mention a history of heart problems. You certainly wouldn't have thought that he was afflicted so, the way he used to carry on in the bedroom! Had I known all this, I definitely wouldn't have tried to make him run at 20 MPH, but then hindsight is a wonderful thing isn't it?
And when you try to explain this to the police, you start to truly appreciate their complete lack of understanding and sympathy.

Never mind, when Mikey comes off his respirator and is able to talk again, he'll hopefully pick his words with a little more care.

Though I must confess that I'm a bit pissed off at missing the beer festival, especially as I've just been given a holiday from driving for a while.

What a waste!


Richard Eastcliff said...

Lucy! Good to see you're back! And your front!

Lucy Mail said...

I'd like to think that I have plenty of the latter, though that doesn't always prevent me from making a right tit of myself at times!