Wednesday, November 05, 2008

A Merry Con President.

I see those intrepid, galaxy hopping West-ponders (of whom only about 10% hold passports, oddly enough) have launched themselves into hype-space again, with their latest idea of how to seem like they're saving their bloated and ailing nation.
Electing a black prez is a master-stroke, isn't it?
With all the kerfuffle and spin that will result from that, they could probably nuke something strategic in their own Country without anyone noticing at all.
Don't get me wrong, I've nothing against the idea of it in principle, it's the timing of it that makes me raise an eyebrow. Big recession, black socialist steps in to sort it all out, white bigot steps in to sort him out, blame for the whole thing gets buried with ex-prez.
Still, at least he was elected this time, rather than being inaugurated by the courts. Much more democratic in appearance!

Or perhaps I'm being cynical?


RichT said...

I dont mean to be cynical or nought but isn't that sort of the way its always been and then life moves on and we (hopefully overcome)(really really hopefully).

Anonymous said...

Once you've had black there's no turning back piggie.

Lucy Mail said...

What a lot of cock, nanamouse!
I've had my share of black, er, gentlemen friends and there's no bloody difference at all apart from the colour.
No dearie, I'm afraid that legend is what you'd call an 'old wife's penis'.

Karen Wiggins said...

This was a lovely bblog post