Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Burned At The Steak II.

And before anyone asks what happened to 'Burned At The Steak 2 through to 10', I suggest you get yourself a grammar education, like what I did, so you know what Roman numerals are all about. It's never too late to learn, even at the age of LIX or so (such a shame that that's 59, rather than 69).

Anyway, it's that time of the week again. The donkeys have been slaughtered and butchered and all that remains is to throw a few chips at them, before we try to break them down with alcohol in our guts.
After having had such a marvelous time, in Churchill's, last week, and all joking aside, it was good food and beer, I think I'll be off there again tonight, for another L Bobsworth.

Lucky old L Bobsworth, eh?


Richard Eastcliff said...

What in the name of Jaysus are yer on about yer bollix, carrying on like the cat with a cream flavoured arsehole. Will yer not be staying in and saying yer prayers like a good Catholic girl? Otherwise yer might find some chubbed up eejit playing titmickey with yer rasher.

Lucy Mail said...

I could ask you the same question, deary. Though in all honesty, I can't see your rasher getting titmickied this side of Hallowe'en!