Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A Chip (On The Shoulder?) Off The Old Blog.

Well I've had one of those afternoons where my imagination has been at such a low ebb that I've been perusing all of the Thanet blogs.
As bad as it may seem, there was only one blog (not counting Michael's or my own) that I just couldn't finish reading even one of the many posts that had been vomited onto it. Y'know, that bloke that spells his name with a silent 'P' and has an IQ that peaks at 146, though I strongly suspect that it averages at about 30.

And he has comment moderation turned on!!!!
Who the Hell is ever going to want to get drawn into that World of insane paranoia by passing comment? Ok, I think I answered my own question there. It's going to be nutters, isn't it!

I've a sneaking suspicion that the whole thing may be driven by some kind of head trauma, sustained during his formative years!


Richard Eastcliff said...

I know what you mean. Still, you've got to give him ten out of ten for trying. Very trying.

Lucy Mail said...

Bet the fella loves the fact that his wit is so subtle that us thickies just don't get it.
I'll bet all his MENSA (or should that be MENCAP?) chums laugh though, even though they don't get it either!
He'll be older than his IQ (though I've a feeling he already is) before he realises that he's just spouting paranoid bilge!

Nemesis said...

What a pair you are ECR.

At the risk of pedantry if you are a thickie who does not get it then you would not be qualified to diagnose it as paranoid bilge.

However I enjoyed your ad hominem fallacy and must say that I could not have worded it better myself.