Nice to see the virtual dust finally settling after the latest vent of virtual vitriol and v-signs, from the daddies of blog, right up there on the top of the heap.
Bit of a shame to see that Tony Bignose and Richard Wedge haven't kissed and made up yet. One preferring to to put up a burger blogade and the other making modifications to his last will and testament.
But on the other hand, one blogger in Margate, who seemed to be involved in all this for the sole purpose of self-promotion of a blog which is really more about self-gratification, has also had a hissy fit and cut all communication with anyone not producing a passport or birth certificate. So it's not all bad news! Not being a lezzer or having the right equipment to shake at his blog, it was never of much use to me anyway.
And the doctor got into a bit of a spin, too. But then he always does, doesn't he!
Then right at the bottom of the heap, Rock Card and Don' Understand have been doing their bit to perpetuate it all by trawling out some of their best works of incomprehensible and self-contradictory shite, to date.
So now we can all get on with what we're supposed to be doing, with renewed vim and vigour, eh?
Though it does beg the question, what am I 'supposed' to be doing?
I'm afraid I still don't quite have a handle on that!
The Bull's Hit.
After planning to spend the weekend by the sea in Ramsgate, and then
feeling like I'd spent the weekend in it, it would be so easy to blame the
council. Bu...
14 years ago
Lucy, come come, you know the rules. Being clear, honest and funny at the same time is not allowed.
If bloggers were to follow your lead then where would we be? No lies or half truths, no spite and vitriol, and no rambling references to the IRA opening a rifle range at Petbows prior to contaminating the water under a dead airport.
Thanks for the chuckle, it's the best post I've read in years.
A Fan (the A stands for a)
Oh yes, no you won't find half truths, spite or vitriol here, maybe!
But you should be aware that I don't shag on a first date. I like to get that out of the way before I decide whether or not to spend a whole evening with someone.
Rock Card and Don' Understand do seem to be using Cryptic Mash Filter software. Presumably this protects us from some powerful truth which lurks in the absence of punctuation or sense.
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