Friday, May 28, 2010

The Endochronic Properties Of Resublimated Thiotimoline.

The title of a short story by the late, great Isaac Asimov.
Based on some very solid scientific fact, this thesis effectively demonstrates the possibility of a substance to react to certain stimuli, prior to said stimuli being applied.
Utterly convincing and almost impossible to fault, but complete bullshit all the same!

A recommended read before reading this blog, for a better idea of the model that I use when authoring it.

And I suppose that last would be an example of that!


fred said...

This was apparently published in Astounding Science Fiction, in about February/March 1948 - just before his PhD oral.

He says* that his examiners asked him about this topic as the last question of his PhD examination :-) .

*See Early Asimov, Volume 3 - Panther Books Ltd, 1974.

Anonymous said...

load of PID

Anonymous said...

Jerkov said

I can see that. The Perfect Insightful Dissemblance. Very good.

Anonymous said...

I particularly like the way he/she progressed logically from PhD.

But, employing the risque theorem of Fourears analysis, I move on to
QID to yield a gift move to QED to the next competitor in the spirit of bonus point generosity.

Anonymous said...

Too kind too kind but I am equal to it.

Quantitative Intuitive Disposal

I will, of course, move to QED but I invoke the Thripp prerogative to insist the next move cannot be to
quod erat demonstrandum,

Anonymous said...

Surely you cannot do that without citing an alternative QED ?

Lucy Mail said...

If this is the kind of attention it draws, I don't think I'll use that particular style of antiprose again.

And that isn't a logical progression, Jerkov, it's alphabetical.
Care to tell me what's logical about the alphabet?