Saints preserve us, the great ECR mystery seems to be getting flogged to death over on 'Thanets' alternative, Biggles opinion only, newspaper'!
I, among others, have been accused of missing the point. A convenient, but transparent, way of not answering the bloody question. Nothing new there, then!
The best of it is, I don't think that there actually is a point other than some middle classed know-it-all getting a bit narky because somebody else is playing with 'his' toys, though I'm not quite sure where he gets off in thinking that they're his toys.
Well I don't want to play over there any more. Had quite enough of that at nursery school, when some spoilt kid would have a screaming tantrum every time you tried to play with Pooh that they thought was exclusively theirs.
Who cares who ECR is? More to the (sorry, another) point, why do they care? Identity isn't what blogging is about, is it? I'd say it was about observation, like-minded interest, humour and opinion and that there is, perhaps, nothing wrong with introducing a little fiction to get your point across. Hypothetical situations, if you like. It's a well established method, I believe.
And banging on and labouring the same old tired opinion as if that will make it true (lad, just out of shorts, juevenile, childish, relatively junior etc) is a bit infantile in itself.
Anyone fancy a game of Pooh sticks (so long as they're not going to cry if they don't win!)?