Saturday, July 29, 2006

London Busses.

Tough choice to make regarding entertainment tonight.
Will it be the Gallery IOTA bring-your-own bottle/food/fire/art barbecue or save myself a walk and go to the Latina, face-painting beach party?
I think I'll mull that over while I feed the fishes this morning and probably decide on the pub.

...sorry, I meant IN the pub.


Richard Eastcliff said...

The beach party sounds like it might be the thing if you ask me. Those Latin rhythmns are hot, and it's bound to be packed out with millionaires.

Richard Eastcliff said...

Er, I seem to have invented a new word. Although I think my gardener planted out some quite pretty yellow Rhythmnmns the other day.

Anonymous said...

When I clicked off on your link to the Thanet Bloglist, I found some sort of quiz about countries of the world. Someone had already filled in the answers, so I took the liberty of copying them:

I look like a boot? Iris Johnson
I am also a bird. Iris Johnson
S + pain = IriS JohnSon
Here they grow lots of tulips. Interflora
My capital is Copenhagen. Copenhagen Daz
The Eiffel Tower is built here. Blackpool
Home of the platypus. A billabong
My largest island is Honshu. Bless you
The original people were Maoris. Maorgate
Most people live here. Dur, The Earth!
The Great Lakes are here. Bluewater
The largest country in S. America. Maradonna
My capital city is Moscow. Gravesend
Pyramids were built here. Dane Valley
Hung + a + ry. A + bit + peckish + yes
I was divided East and West. Fred and Rosemary
My capital is New Delhi. I've also got a friend called Ellie and she goes nude too sometimes
The Big Ben is famous here. My friend Ben is quite big too
No plus r plus way = 4
I am famous for my clocks. H Samuel

Lucy Mail said...

It's a good quiz, isn't it. I found it a little more taxing than you seemed to.
I feel I should point out that that was the Dr Simon Banner, The Incredible Sulk link that you clicked on and not the enormously useful and informative Thanet Bloglist link.

Anonymous said...

Sorry. Apologies to the Thanet Bloglist, and bollocks to the steaming great twat.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work »

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