After an avalanche of requests (well two, and they were from the same person) to see a picture of my little box, I've decided to relent and reveal all.
So here it is....
Though it beats me why the bloody milkman won't use it!
ֹֹֹֹֹֹLittle Tours Of Ramsgateֹֹֹֹֹֹ
In the myth, didn't it contain all evils? No wonder the fastest milkman in the east has been a bit ginger of late.
Mmmm... You're only making things worse here and yet again enforcing that rumour. This appears to be a pic of your girlfriend's box (Pandora - didn't think I'd spot that eh?). But I trust there is a simple explanation to my misconception.
Maybe it's one you've downloaded from those dodgy internet sites and will justify as being for 'research purposes only'.
Or perhaps this picture is merely symbolic and demands a more complex, allegorical interpretation - all that remained in the mythological Pandora's Box was: Hope.
However, I feel it is my duty to ask you, and I don't want to shatter any dreams but...have you thought about the possibility that milky has used them both and got them mixed up. You did say you hadn't seen him for a while.
P.S. I once knew a girl named Pandora and she did have an interesting tattoo...
Small world?
I resent that, Dickie! I wouldn't be seen dead with a Genetically Inadequate, No Good, Erroneous Retard.
Instead of a milkman have you thought about finding a good butcher? I hear they deliver the meat to the front or back door depending on your preference.
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